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Feedback sessions in EMC

emc core program floral design floral education Jun 13, 2023

Educational. Inspirational. 

When efforts collide for the best student experience 

What happens behind the Foundation and Practicum Courses in the European Master Certification? During the 8 weeks of each courses students engage weekly with the EMC Educational Team during live Zoom sessions and the focus moves towards the experience and the process of the student, rather than the end result of the designs they submit.

Yes, the European Master Certification program awards a diploma to each student upon graduation, following the customary educational practice. An exam consisting of multiple tasks is administered at the conclusion of the Advanced Class, and student performance is evaluated. The graduation ceremony takes place at the Town Hall in Brugge, a stunning 14th century building, and is accompanied by enjoyable festivities, including the provision of delicious Belgian beer. However, it is important to note that EMC views graduation as only one aspect of the learning journey. The emphasis is placed on the learning process itself, which extends beyond graduation day.

Our ultimate objective is to excel in our work, and to achieve this goal, we continually strive to enhance our performance. It is crucial that our clients recognize the exceptional quality of our work, and this can only be accomplished by bringing added value to the services we provide. It is important to note, though, that financial compensation should not be the sole reward we seek from our jobs. The true value lies in the knowledge and experience we acquire throughout the process, which can lead to personal and professional growth.

As Nelson Mandela famously stated, "education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." It is undeniable that education has the power to shape our lives and transform society. However, the quality of education we receive is crucial to the direction of this change. There are two main motivations for learning: the "Pain Factor," which stems from necessity, stress, and urgency, and the "Gain Factor," which is driven by willpower, enjoyment, and the desire for self-improvement. It is the latter perspective that truly drives personal and professional growth, and leads to a fulfilling and rewarding career.

At the heart of our program is the belief that learning is a lifelong journey. We're committed to helping you grow and evolve as a designer, whether you're just starting out or have been in the industry for years. Our program is designed to challenge you, inspire you, and push you to new heights of creativity and innovation. Ultimately, our goal is to empower you to achieve success on your own terms. We're here to provide the knowledge, guidance, and support you need to reach your full potential as a floral designer.

The focus and activities you take on should always be on the HOW? and WHAT? to learn. Performance itself is not a goal to pursue, but rather your concentration should be directed towards the process of learning. The amount and quality of practice are key factors in the level of expertise people achieve, therefore quality should always be a desiderate for any educational program, and this is what we look for in EMC, as well. We deliver the highest quality in all aspects that impact our student's' experience: curriculum, designs, teachers and coaches, feedback, challenges and communication. But we always want more for our students, we want them to become designers with ICE Effect and activate their creative potential. In order to achieve that, the journey through Foundation Course and Practicum Course is as much a personal one as it is a shared experience. The students are split into pod, each pod being led by an EMC teacher or coach. Weekly meetings are held via Zoom and all students get the chance to receive personal feedback o their assignment and learn from their colleagues as well. 

Feedback is a crucial element in personal and professional growth, especially in the field of floral design education. Receiving feedback from instructors, peers, and clients is essential in enhancing skills, refining techniques, and improving overall performance. It is particularly important due to the creative nature of the work. Every designer has their unique style and approach, and feedback from others can offer valuable insights into different perspectives, techniques, and methods. It can help a designer identify areas where they need to improve or explore new ideas that they may not have considered before and it applies both to the understanding of the theoretical curriculum and the applicability of it into actual designs. 

Our EMC teachers and coaches are experienced professionals who have a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the field and who have, in the past, been in the same position as their students. They can offer constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement, which can help students grow and develop their skills and at the same time they have a very vivid memory of how the design process works and what are the struggles that students go through, as they have been through them as well.

Peer feedback is also valuable in the floral design industry. Working collaboratively with other designers can inspire new ideas and offer fresh perspectives. Peer feedback can help a designer gain a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, and provide opportunities for growth and development. It plays a vital role in the growth and development of floral design professionals within the EMC. It provides opportunities for self-reflection, identifies areas of improvement, and inspires creativity and innovation. By embracing feedback and using it constructively, our students can achieve new levels of success and continue to grow throughout their journey to the EMC certification.

The theory gives you both the foundation to grow on and the ability to do a better performance in the future. As we are preparing the students for a lifetime experience, encouraging them to become Conscious Creatives, we start the Foundation class with focus on teaching the theory, as well as building a specific mindset. We are looking into every aspect of the Elements and Principles of Design and at the same time, we open new horizons into how floral design can be approached from a different perspective, that where designers discover their infinite creative potential. Assignments are handed out, but no grades are given. The students, during this blended learning experience are guided, through feedback and constructive criticism, by the EMC team of teachers.

The real growth and development come from constantly learning and improving your skills. Think of it this way: there are two different zones - the performance zone and the learning zone. The performance zone is all about doing your best work and achieving great results. But the learning zone is where you can really optimize your skills and knowledge, and that's where the true growth happens. It's not a black and white comparison between theory and practice, or learning and performance. The key is to find the bridge between the two by building your knowledge and knowing how to apply it in practice. Take the time to digest the theory and make it your own.

Dr. Anders Ericsson coined the term "deliberate practice," which involves breaking down all the different skills and focusing on gradual growth through the learning process. The most successful people are always in the learning zone, continuously seeking to improve themselves. Everyone has their own personal approach, such as reading books, taking online courses, or experimenting with new techniques. But what they all share is a mindset that there is always room for improvement, and they constantly ask themselves, "How can I become better?"

Today’s educational system is too much orientated on the performance zone as it is all about scoring the highest numbers, no place for failures. Give yourself the time to grow! Grass is not growing by pulling it form the top, but by adding water in the ground.  We all know the expression “Working hard brings you a successful future”. Working smart, though, by educating yourself to become better is just as important. Reflect and practice in the learning zone what you applied in your performance zone it's what truly makes you grow.

At EMC, we believe that the key to success lies in your own knowledge and passion. That's why we've designed our educational platform to focus on you and your unique journey as a floral designer. Our mission statement, "YOUR KNOWLEDGE - YOUR SUCCESS - OUR PASSION," reflects this commitment to empowering you to reach your full potential. We've put our hearts and souls into creating a comprehensive curriculum, a top-notch learning process, and personalised guidance to support you every step of the way. But at the end of the day, EMC is all about you and your efforts. It's about stepping out of your comfort zone, pushing your creativity to new heights, and developing your own signature style.

We're here to help you grow, both as a designer and as a person. Your hard work and dedication will be the driving force behind your success story, and we'll be here to cheer you on every step of the way. Your personal experience is what matters most, and the entire EMC educational team is honoured to be a part of your journey as you transform into the best floral designer you can be.

In EMC, we believe that growth and progress can only happen when you step out of your comfort zone. That's why we create an environment of trust and support where students feel encouraged to take risks, try new things, and challenge themselves. We understand that it can be daunting to step into the unknown, to try something you've never done before, or to push yourself beyond your limits. But we also know that this is where real growth and learning happen. When you take that leap of faith, you open yourself up to new possibilities, new experiences, and new insights. That's why we create a safe and supportive space where students can feel comfortable taking risks and exploring new ideas. We provide guidance and mentorship to help students navigate these challenges and overcome any obstacles they may encounter along the way.

We believe that when students are pushed to step out of their comfort zone, they discover new talents, new strengths, and new passions that they never knew they had. They learn to embrace failure as an opportunity for growth and to approach challenges with a sense of curiosity and resilience. Ultimately, this creates a culture of trust and collaboration where students can thrive and achieve their full potential. By encouraging students to take risks and step out of their comfort zone, we empower them to become confident, resilient, and successful floral designers.


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