
Online creative resources by EMC emc community emc designer emc team floral design floral education techniques and mechanics Jan 13, 2025

Design your Future

Design inspiration and live Q&A sessions with EMC Coaches

Since its inception in 2011, EMC has been dedicated to empowering floral designers and florists to discover their unique DNA as a creative. The program encourages participants to refine their skills, assess where...

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Creativity out of a box emc team floral education inspiration trends Oct 28, 2023

Where the box is a source of inspiration

2024 Trends released by Lehner Wolle, a concept by EMC International

EMC embarked on a unique journey with Lehner Wolle, an Austrian company, to tailor a distinct approach for them, aligning their vision and product specificity with the broader...

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Blooming Creativity in Dubai emc designer emc team floral design trends Oct 10, 2023

EMC's Exploration of 2024 Trends

From trend development to captivating displays

As part of our annual team-building event, the EMC Core Team embarked on a unique collaboration this year, partnering with one of the largest wholesale suppliers in the Middle East, Al-Lokrit in Dubai. The...

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Meet the team emc alumni emc team floral education inspiration Sep 20, 2023

EMC Coach Sherene S. Tan

A story reflecting the power of education, when passion for flowers and desire to grow meet up

Sherene was born and brought up in Malaysia, where her parents were living after leaving China. As she grew up, she was very interested in all the forms of nature...

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Meet the EMC Team emc alumni emc community emc designer emc team inspiration Jul 13, 2023

Sculptural botanicals

with Keith Stanley EMC, IMF

Keith Stanley EMC, IMF is a floral designer with an unwavering and ambitious desire to continually challenge himself. He possesses a strong will and eagerness to learn, as well as a passion for imparting his knowledge, skills, and love of...

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Meet the EMC Team emc alumni emc designer emc team floral design floral education inspiration Nov 12, 2022

Portrait of a designer 

EMC Coach, Dalia Bortolotti is an inspiration for us all

Floral design was not Dalia Bortolotti’s original first choice of career.  She has always been interested in flowers and gardening, but that was really as far as it went until there was a crash in...

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Let's discover! emc team floral design inspiration trends Nov 06, 2022

Growing the ultimate bridal rose

The story of Alexandra Farms nursery

Alexandra Farms is a famous boutique grower, located in the incredibly fertile savanna of Bogotá, high in the Andes Mountains of Colombia. The garden roses and David Austin varieties from Alexandra Farms are...

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Meet the EMC team emc alumni emc designer emc team floral education Oct 22, 2022

Flowers can change your life!

With Gina Thresher, EMC Teacher

Gina is a vivacious, bubbly, and talented floral designer based in Seattle. She is involved mainly in wedding and events floristry at the moment, along with online teaching and a wide range of workshops that she runs in her studio and...

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Meet the EMC Team emc alumni emc designer emc team inspiration Oct 11, 2022

When creative growth and passion for flowers meet up

Rebecca Raymond - portrait of an EMC Teacher

Rebecca lives on an island in the Pacific Northwest, where she has built up her highly rated weddings and events business, making her one of the most sought-after and respected floral designers in...

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Collaborative design emc team floral design floral education trends Jun 30, 2022

Refined Rawness

The EMC Core Team working together with a new line of products from Lehner Wolle

From conception and idea, to choice of materials and actual work, floral design can be a common project if the people involved speak the same language of Elements and Principles of design. During our...

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Meet the EMC Team emc designer emc team May 01, 2022

"I set myself challenges, intentionally going against my preferences."

Diana Toma, EMC in conversation with Ana Grigoras Cfd EMC 

I am part of the EMC team and have been for the past four years.  I am a coach in the programme, having students join the Foundation class and go...

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Meet the EMC Team emc designer emc team Apr 01, 2022

I continue to challenge myself in a wide variety of ways!

Jorge Uribe AIFD, EMC about creativity, design, photography and more

Interview with Jorge Uribe, EMC Teacher, by Sara Marie Andrews EMC

 I was delighted when I was asked to interview Jorge Uribe AIFD, CFD, EMC, one of the...

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