Francisca Pérez EMC
A conversation with an EMC Teacher, by Sara Marie Andrews
This lovely, bubbly, enthusiastic and yet very down-to-earth floral designer who lives and works in Chile is Francisca Perez, our very own EMC Teacher. She continues to stretch and challenge herself to further...
Ikebana inspiration
featuring Sherene S. Tan, AIFD EMC and Keith Stanley, EMC
The featured designers are members of the EMC Core Team as Coaches, experienced florists and wonderful people that share a common passion for one of the most ancient schools of floral design in the world, Ikebana....
EMC Team perspectives
Different approaches to creativity
EMC Coaches and Teachers contribute with their perspectives in a joint interview to share diverse, yet unified views on creativity, education and growth in floral design. We hope to fire up inspiration and have you consider EMC as a unique...
Design Green
EMC Core Team visiting Smithers Oasis
Design Green - the EMC Core Team building hosted by Smithers Oasis at their Ohio headquarters took place mid February, 2020. This is a yet to be told, important story that got caught up in the mist of uncertainty and shock that came with this...
EMC at Fleuramour 2019
and other news from the EMC Community
With a EMC Fleuramour Team comprised of EMC Subscribed Members and Core Educational Team, EMC is preparing for participating in Fleuramour 2019: Back to the Future. On Friday 27 September, EMC will be present at the first ever...
Alexandra Farms and Educational Partner EMC
Team building at Garden Rose Farm in Bogotá, Colombia
Alexandra Farms hosted their international educational partner European Master Certification (EMC) for a week-long session in Bogotá, Colombia from March 25-30. Eleven members of...
News of a floral journey with EMC
In Bogota, Colombia an amazing creative experience enfolded while new students start their journey with EMC
From 25-30 March 2019, 11 members of the EMC Core Educational Team was hosted by International Educational Partner Alexandra Farm in Bogota,...